Thursday, 16 May 2013

GILDED DESTINY: A Vesper Novella is live for Nook, Kindle, Kobo and in paperback on Amazon!

Paperback here!
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Gilded Destiny: A Vesper Novella

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Next Big Thing

Thanks to Mary Bradford I’ve been tagged for The Next Big Thing and I am delighted to be a part of this on-rolling blog. It’s been enlightening answering these questions and I hope you will make a return visit here or follow me on Twitter.

What is my Next Big Thing?

The next big thing for me is getting proactive with my completed novel. I’d love to get it out there and I’m doing research at the moment on the best publishing houses or agents to send it to.

What is the working title of your book?

The title of my first completed novel is Subtle Changes   

Where did the idea come from for the book?

There is more to domestic violence than the physical aspect. I decided to look at it from a psychological point of view. How someone can exert control and manipulation that way. Also, when someone falls in love how much they are willing to change to please a person.

What genre does your book fall under?

I feel it falls under Psychological Thriller, similar to Elizabeth Haynes ‘Into the Darkest Corner’. a book I really enjoyed reading. It also received fantastic reviews.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I didn’t have to think about this for too long. My main character, Stephen Jones is dark and complex. He is charming and ambitious with a lot of baggage. That being said I think Tom Hardy would be ideal. I loved him in the t.v. adaptation of Martina Cole’s novel The Take.

His love interest Fiona Hunt, an independent, strong character, who is looking forward to her new job, meets her boss Stephen and innocently gets embroiled in his baggage would be played by either Olivia Wilde or Jessica Biel. I think both these actresses are incredibly talented. Or come to think about it, an unknown actress might be perfect. I love Cillian Murphy and James McAvoy so I would find spots for them too. That would be my dream team.

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

Stephen Jones is grieving for his dead fiancée, Leanne, until he sets his sights on Fiona, who resembles Leanne and uses manipulation and her love for him to try to change her to be identical, both in looks and personality.

How long did it take to write the 1st draft of your manuscript?

The idea rolled around in my mind for ages. I wrote about 15,000 words and left it for about a year. Then I met Mary Bradford and Declan Kearney (pen name Daniel Kaye). They found me lodged under their wings and I claimed squatter’s rights! There’s no getting rid of me now guys. They inspired me to continue. So I managed to finish to first draft in about 3 or 4 months.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

I have seen and read about domestic situations through work. There are also ads on the internet promoting women’s awareness of when their partners are being too controlling. I decided to take this idea and write a story around it. It is so important to remember that if you are in a relationship like that to recognise the warning signs.

What else about your book might pique the readers’ interest?

Fiona is at odds with whether to start a relationship with Stephen. He is so damaged by the past that his perception of the present is dangerously altered. She has no idea of this so  unknown to Fiona, their relationship is fundamentally flawed by his underlying issues. Other characters have things that they are dealing with, so there are other storylines interwoven in the book.  Fiona is in too deep when he starts to show his true colours.

When and how will it be published?

Shout out to publishers’ and agents’ out there. I’d love to be able to hold my published book in my hands. Any medium, eBook or print to get it out there would be great. I will be announcing as soon as I get offered a contract. That’s why I’m researching the most appropriate destinations for it.

This Next Big Thing is a fantastic idea. Answering these questions have made me think more about my book and getting it out there. It reminded me of how much I enjoyed getting to know my characters. So many thanks to again to Mary Bradford. Check out

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Do you ever suffer writing hangovers?


Is there such a thing as word binging, word fatigue or even a word hangover? If there is I think I’m suffering from it.
 From a productive point of view it’s been a fantastic week. I said I would, and did make a great run at my writing. I sit here today itching to write more of my second novel or pen the winner of the next short story or poetry competition. I long to develop and expand my literary vocabulary but I’m exhausted. I think I have binged so much on words this week that I’m in a word slump. I still have loads I want to say, declare and proclaim, so to speak, on paper. I want to plant dark lettered seeds from fertile ideas, within blank white pages, to grow and configure something entertaining and reaction provoking.
It’s just… I feel like I’ve run the writing equivalent of a marathon. The mind is willing but the fingers are weak. It is futile taking a long break from it, (I don’t want to anyway) because that’s when they start tapping at my inner skull. Yes they, those characters that want to be born, give a speech or just make a remark. Once my pen gives birth to them they give me a little rest. Actually I’ve given them a lot of opportunity to speak this week so they need to give me a little break. Not long, just a little rest…until the next word binging session. So… bring it on!