Sunday, 27 January 2013

Shattered Dreams - RIP Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe

Shattered Dreams

On entering the gates of the Garda Training College in Templemore, Co. Tipperary, Garda recruits have many dreams. They dream of making a difference, helping people, becoming Detective, Sergeant, even some day possibly, Commissioner.

Hitting the blue lights and sirens ensure rapid flow through a busy street or town. The adrenalin racing through the bloodstream when entering a dangerous situation induces thoughts of ‘who needs help?’ or ‘where are we needed?’ not ‘what could happen to me?’

The families of eighty seven GardaĆ­ who looked on with pride as they graduated did not dream of walking behind the tri-colour draped coffin of their loved one. Those that trained and served with them never dream they will have to recall the steps of the funeral march to accompany their colleague’s remains.

GardaĆ­ may dream of receiving a medal for bravery but never dream that their families have to receive it on their behalf.

RIP Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe


  1. Wonderful post. This says it all, the dedicated and wonderful people who every day give their 100% plus to serving their family and friends and community. My sympathies to the Donohoe family and all his work colleagues.

  2. Deepest sympathies. An absolute tragedy.

  3. Thank you Mary & Mari. I was initially lost for words, it's difficult to know what to say. Thank you for taking the time to read!
